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New Samsung Smartphones With Displays From 4 to 5.2 Inches Coming

Besides the Galaxy Note 3-Faro is expected to launch in the coming months in different markets, Samsung and 5.2 inches works to new models of smartphones with screen sizes of up to 4.

Sam-Mobile has unknown devices with logistics, consider version 3 and Team SmartWatch \ r has revealed details of the alleged galaxies, then galaxies in the recent past.

These devices are G730A cm (4 inches), G3815-cm (4.5-inch)-G9105 cm (5 inches) and G7102 cm (5 inches). The names of the actual task of these devices are not available at this time.

Also seen the first two models, the resolution of the screen shows the user agent profile on the site of Samsung: DM 800 x 480 to 960 x 540 G730A and for SM G3815.

But we have said that these smartphones, or if you are all mobile phones information on the Web site-Salwa stores (and all are called "test and evaluation, and not the retail).

For all these devices which were worth 12-17, assuming, apparently, of course, provided in August to test this information to South Korea, before some of them are in the system .

In fact, after seeing the Salwa (see below), you will also notice the model number G350 mobile 4.3 inch SM.